No. According to Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973 and the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA), the clinic or office must make their services accessible to Deaf and Hard of Hearing people.

National Association of the Deaf Position Statement on Health Care Access

Yes, small businesses still need to follow the law to make their services accessible. The ADA Tax Incentives Packet explains credits and tax deductions that are available to help offset the cost of improving accessibility for consumers and employees with disabilities.

Yes, beginning January 1st, 2024 the South Carolina Sign Language Interpreter Act was implemented. You can review the law as a word document here.

When assigning interpreters for your request, ASL Interpreting Services, LLC considers interpreter qualifications, experience, representation, and the parameters of the job. We understand that interpreters are not “one size fits all” and do our best to provide the most appropriate match.

Yes. Knowing some sign language is great! However, specialized knowledge of the interpreting process and fluency in ASL and English, are essential to providing effective communication that assures all parties have access to information.

The phone number the patient provided can be called directly. You will be connected to an interpreter who will interpret the call. This service is provided at no cost to you and regulated by the FCC. NOTE: this service is for phone calls only, and cannot legally be used for appointments. For more information check out:

Arrangements for multiple interpreters are based on several factors including length of time and/or complexity of the request, and unique service needs of the consumer(s). ASL Interpreting Services LLC will provide free consultation regarding the need for a solo or team of interpreters.

A Deaf interpreter (DI) or Certified Deaf Interpreter (CDI) has extensive knowledge and understanding of deafness, the Deaf community, and Deaf culture which, combined with proven linguistic ability, can provide added expertise for both routine and uniquely difficult interpreting requests. Most often a (C)DI works as a team member with an ASL/English interpreter who is hearing.